Newbury – Phone Photos

I thought I’d just make a brief post to show a few of the photos I’ve taken on my travels around Newbury. It’s a lovely town and I’m a big fan of the Kennet and Avon Canal; my boyfriend and I often go for a walk along the canal in the evenings, it’s very picturesque. Hoping to take the actual camera out next time to get better photos!

Newbury has a fantastic market and I love visiting on a Saturday morning to get fresh fruit and veg from Fishers of Newbury

Newbury has a fantastic market and I love visiting on a Saturday morning to get fresh fruit and veg from Fishers of Newbury

Newbury Market Square

Newbury Market Square

Newbury Museum

Newbury Museum

Newbury Museum

Newbury Museum

Kennet & Avon Canal, Newbury

Kennet & Avon Canal, Newbury

Kennet & Avon Canal, between Newbury and Hungerford

Kennet & Avon Canal, between Newbury and Kintbury


Summer Is Here!

Just a short update about my photographic adventures so far this year: I really enjoy the colours that Summer has to offer us, there’s something very calming about sitting amongst vibrant flowers and it’s especially rewarding when you watch bees and insects appreciating your hard work, it’s almost worth the constant hayfever sneezes that the pollen causes!

A recent trip to Sir Harold Hillier Gardens

A recent trip to Sir Harold Hillier Gardens

We’ve only been living in Berkshire for a year or so and so I feel I still have lots of discovering to do in this part of the country, but I’ve enjoyed all that I’ve discovered so far. I did manage a short trip out to the wonderful Welford Park, a private estate that opens up to the public during snowdrop season so you can enjoy a walk through the ancient woodlands to admire these little white beauties. The display was impressive and I was lucky to have sunshine on the day I visited too, a relief after all the rain we’d been having for weeks!

Snowdrops at Welford Park, Berkshire

Snowdrops at Welford Park, Berkshire

Spring brought the return of the fantastic Red Kites to the Berkshire/Hampshire skies and I love nothing more than taking my camera out for a walk to see if I can find these beautiful Birds of Prey. Kingsclere, Hampshire is one of my favourite nearby villages and the Red Kites are regularly found flying low over the village; I have a feeling that some residents feed them, but it gave me a chance to watch their fantastic acrobatic displays and how their forked tail is used as a ‘rudder’ to steer as they twist and turn through the sky. I was lucky enough to watch five Red Kites playing together on the thermals over a field near to the famous Watership Down near Wayfarer’s Walk, somewhere I’m yet to explore.

Red Kite watching me over Kingsclere village, Hampshire, UK

Red Kite watching me over Kingsclere village, Hampshire, UK

Hopefully I’ll have more photos to update you with soon, there are lots of other photos on my website so feel free to take a look!


Thursday Ramblings, World Cup and Hayfever!

Here’s my first official blog post! How exciting!

It’s Thursday and we can almost see the weekend! Let’s hope for more lovely British sunshine this weekend, but before we get there I hope England can beat Uruguay tonight… yes that’s right, World Cup fever has taken over. I’m very much a ‘sports widow’ thanks to my sporty boyfriend who plays rugby, squash, cricket, regularly cycles and will give any other sports a go given the chance. That also includes watching them all on TV, especially Formula 1. I am a big F1 fan too though (Team Lewis Hamilton!) and will happily watch most sports with Jack but I must must must draw the line at cricket which I find incredibly boring! Anyway, after a small warning to my boyfriend to inform him that we are not spending the next month indoors and missing this sunny weather because of the World Cup, he’s been coming home from work to find me ooohhing and aaahhhing at the footy. Hypocrite I know, but it’s hard to not watch the games when they’re on. We are off to our friends this evening to watch England play and more importantly win! Positive thinking everyone!!



Our friends live in lovely North Hampshire in a small town famed for its Silk Mill. A beautiful stream runs near to their house and we often visit there to watch the trout in the crystal clear waters. We might even attempt a walk this evening if it doesn’t interrupt the football and if my Hayfever allows it – yes that’s right, the dreaded Hayfever. The bane of my life since I was about six years old, isn’t it about time I grew out of it? Pollen levels are very high in Southern England and have been for a couple of weeks now; it means windows shut at night (melting boyfriend beside me in bed), getting up extra early to let my swollen eyes recover and dosing up with tablets, nasal spray, eye drops and a cold flannel! I think Jack’s getting quite used to waking up next to a puffy-eyed monster and I’m sure I look dreadful at work! I barely wear any make up as it is but my hayfever won’t even allow for a small amount of mascara. Apologies for the moan but I’m sure many other sufferers will understand my pain and frustration. I won’t let it stop me though and just cut walks a little shorter and ensure I’ve always got glasses or sunglasses on when I leave the house. I’m thinking perhaps I’ll add a surgical mask or find an old horse fly mask and add those to my attire! I could start a hayfever-related fashion trend!